Habits that changed my life!

Sukanya Bharati
5 min readApr 29, 2024


Yesterday, I completed my 3rd 10k run by TCS. Although my time could have been better, it was the best run till now. I am sure you would ask me why. Let me tell you the reason.

TCS 10K, April 28th, 2024

As the runners walked towards the start line, my mind kept questioning me, “Sukanya, why are you running this 10k?” I kept telling myself, of course, for my love of running. But my heart kept asking, what’s your goal here? To finish in the least time? To win? What is it that you are here for?

And it left me wondering, trying to answer all the questions. Finally, I got my answer. I said, no matter what, today I am not gonna stop even for a second in this run. I will maintain a constant pace which I have never been able to achieve in any of my races yet.

To my surprise, I achieved my goal and even sprinted in the last 100 meters. But why am I sharing this incident with you all? I am sure you would say you have always been a runner and you were able to achieve your goal, as many people from the run told me.

That’s not the truth, to be honest. Let me take you to a flashback 6 years back. I was extremely unwell. Walking a distance of even 100 meters was a challenge for me. I remember friends and other people around me making fun of me whenever I said I wanted to be a part of NCC and play a lot of sports. In response, they would say, “Haha, you will be in the hospital next for sure”.

These kinds of words would always hurt me. They would leave me thinking, what have I done wrong in life to go through all this shit? I knew that this self-sabotage had to stop in life. I was never this kind of person ever, so why now?

And one day, my heart and head shouted in coherence, “Girl, you need to stop this. You have to get back up and be the best version of yourself. You have got to get back up!” I decided to give my life and myself a chance again.

First, I stopped the self-sabotage and stopped thinking about what other people said to me. I started speaking about things in alignment with my goals. I kept saying to myself, I can do this. Nothing ever is impossible!

Second, I focused on my diet more and started being grateful for it. Remember, you are what you eat.

Third, I refused to hear anyone whose thoughts and words were not in alignment with my goals. If I had to stay alone in that case, I happily chose that.

Fourth, I started working my ass off on myself. I would wake up at 4 am in the dawn time and would practice yoga and run. With time as I got better and better, I devoted more time to it.

Fifth, I started spending time with animals like dogs and cats. They helped me be at ease and their loyalty taught me to be true and loyal to myself, my promises, and my goals.

Sixth, I started devoting time to understanding and reading how the mind operates. It helped me understand how my thoughts worked. I have read more than 1000+ books and research papers till now. If I had to summarize all of it in one line, then it would be “You are what you think”.

Seventh, I stopped indulging in complaining about anything and anyone. I try to keep it at a minimal level.

Eighth, I do not let books define me. Someone says that these are 40 ways to behave, the world is like this and these are the rules for living life, loving anyone, etc. I do not believe in all this crap, and I do not fill my mind with any of these because these are the views of someone else; they never lived my life, so why would I let anyone else define my life? I choose to define my own.

Ninth, taking inspiration from people around in whatever they are good at or what I like about people. This has been a game-changer for me. Like, for example, I would never have started running again if I wasn’t inspired. I always knew that I loved running, but that push to start again came from being inspired.

Tenth, I believed in giving to the world and I still do. There are many takers in the world. What would change in life if you became a giver, was what my friends told me. But I knew what it meant to me. None of our journeys is the same, so if you do not know their story why not start with being kind to them? How much would it take of you? Tell me! Share that smile, give a hug, love them… Ultimately this has given me the best bonds in life!

Eleventh, seeing the world with the heart of a 5-year-old. Being curious about everything in life, loving everything to the core, and laughing over the stupidest jokes. Forgiving people, not being angry, being true to myself and others… The list goes on. I remember one person telling me “I have a black heart”, funny how people say shit about you even when you don’t know them. Being like a child helps me forgive everyone with an open heart. It doesn’t affect me anymore, or if it does, then to a minimal level which fades over time.

Slowly with time, as I followed the above, I was able to cure myself of the health condition that I suffered. I grew to be a new person, my confidence started shooting up. I was able to do things that I loved. My life felt abundant. I felt at peace with myself and the world and I still do. Whether it is finishing a race or just living a day of my life with a positive mindset, it becomes effortless for me. It has helped me pull myself from the lowest moments in my life.

The only message I want to convey through this is that “You have just one life to live. Follow things that make you happy and inculcate habits that help you grow in life”. Once you start doing these things, your life will begin to fill with the best moments, and best people, you will have the best relationships, and love and abundance will always be a part of your life.

Good luck! 😀



Sukanya Bharati

A happy , motivated & a curious soul if you end up finding me 😎😁.